AQUAFIX is a rapid-setting cement, showing a hardening reaction that starts immediately after the addition of water. AQUAFIX is used for instant plugging of local or superficial water leaks, rapid fixing and anchoring.
Substrate preparation
The substrate must be stable, clean and moistened, if dry. Any loose material (paint, plaster, etc.) should be removed to expose a stable substrate (concrete or masonry).
a) Sealing of leaking points
The point of leakage (crack, hole, etc) should be widened in a conical shape (getting wider as it goes deeper) to a depth of 2-3 cm. A small quantity of AQUAFIX should be gradually added to water and mixed for 5-10 seconds, until it becomes like wet clay. The mixture is pressed onto the leak and held there for approx. 1 minute, until it hardens sufficiently.
b) Sealing of leaking surfaces
The wet and stable surface should be first brushed with AQUAMAT-F (consumption 200-300 g/m2) and then immediately with AQUAMAT (consumption approx. 1.5 kg/m2). While this layer is still fresh, it should be rubbed with AQUAFIX powder (consumption 1.0-1.5 kg/m2) until the surface dries. Afterwards, the surface should be brushed again with AQUAMAT-F, followed by at least 2 layers of AQUAMAT, until a total thickness of 2-4 mm is achieved. If there is possibility for cracking, AQUAMAT-FLEX or AQUAMAT-ELASTIC is recommended for the last 2 layers.
- The temperature during application should be at least +5oC.
- The setting time of AQUAFIX depens on the ambient conditions (temperature, humidity, etc.). Under, high temperature conditions, the setting time is decreased and, for this reason, it is recommended to mix it with cold water. On the other hand, at low temperatures, the setting time is increased and warm water should be used for mixing.
- During application, the use of rubber gloves is recommended.
- Material that has started to set must not be softened again with water.
- In cases of extensive work or applications requiring increased thickness, AQUAFIX may be mixed with sand (1-3 parts by volume), before the addition of water. In this case, the setting time will be slightly increased. Ordinary cement may also be added to further extend setting time, if desired.
- Tools should be cleaned with water, immediately after use.
- The product contains cement, which reacts with water forming alkaline solutions, thus is classified as irritant.
- Consult the directions for safe use and precautions written on the package.