DOMOSIL is a general purpose silicone for highly demanding tasks, providing:

  • Resistance to temperatures ranging from -40 oC to +160 oC.
  • Excellent bonding to any kind of non-porous building material.
  • Great endurance to aging.

DOMOSIL is suitable for sealing 3-40 mm wide vertical and horizontal joints on non-porous surfaces, such as glass, aluminium, porcelain (tiles, etc) and non-porous ceramics, both indoors and outdoors.

Substrate preparation
The substrate must be free of dust, loose particles, grease etc. It is advisable that the joint be cleaned using a paintbrush or a wide brush and then air-blasted. To avoid undesirable soiling at joint edges, a self-adhesive paper-tape is applied along the edges and then removed immediately after sealing the joint (before a film is formed).

The cartridge is inserted in the special gun and the nozzle is cut slantwise, so that it does not fit into the jointbut barely touches and slides along the edges. Silicon is applied by moving the cartridge along the joint axis at 45 o angle. While still fresh, silicone is leveled with a trowel or your finger

Cleaning of tools:
Tools must be thoroughly cleaned with water whilst material is still fresh. In case the material has hardened, tools may only be mechanically cleaned.

  • Shelf-life is 12 months, in dry and frost-free conditions.
  • Ambient temperature during application must be between -10 OC and +60 oC.

Surface: Concrete, cement


Application: Roller