DOMOSIL-S is a mildew-resistant silicone for highly demanding jobs, providing:

  • High mechanical resistance.
  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations from -60 oC to +220 oC.
  • Excellent bonding to any kind of non porous building material.
  • Great endurance to ageing.
  • Prevention of mildew and fungi growth.

DOMOSIL-S is a suitable for sealing vertical and horizontal joints 3-40 mm wide on non-porous material surfaces such as glass, aluminium, porcelai (tiles etc) and non-porous ceramics, in indoor or outdoor areas. It is applied in high humidity areas (kitchens, bathrooms etc) as well as hospitals, biology and microbiology labs etc. It prevents the growth of mildew or fungi, which causes black spots and stains in such areas. It is not recommended for use in aquariums because of the fungicide it contains.

Substrate must be free of dust, loose particles, grease, etc. It is advisable that the joint is cleaned up using a paint brush or a wire brush and then air-blasted. To avoid undesirable soiling at joint edges, a self-adhesive paper-tape is applied alongside the edges and then removed immediately after sealing the joint (before skin formation).

Insert cartridge in the special gun and cut nozzle in a slant way so that as it does not fit into the joint but just touches and slides along the edges. Silicon is applied by driving the cartidge alongside the joint axis at  a 45 o angle. While still fresh, silicone is leveled using a trowel or by finger.
Cleaning of tools:
Tools must be cleaned thoroughly with water whilst material is still fresh. If material is hardened, tools may be mechanically cleaned.

  • Shelf-life is 12 months, in dry and frost-free conditions.
  • Ambient temperature during application must be between -10 oC and +60 oC.

Surface: Concrete, cement


Application: Roller