Ecological water-based enamel that allows to obtain splendid effects in the shades of metals and their oxides. Allows to decorate any type of surface with metallic effects embellishing and enhancing them thanks to the reflections of light.

Technical characteristics
Ecological, water-based enamel that allows the realisation of splendid decorative effects in the range of shades pertaining to metals and their oxides. It allows the creation of metallic finishes on any kind of surface, which will be embellished and intensified by light reflection. It does not contain formaldehyde.

Ideal Use
For internal and external use on iron, wood, galvanized metal sheet, PVC, etc.

Surface Preparation
Clean the surface to be painted, removing any loose or flaking material. Traces of dirt or grease must be removed using appropriate products.

On ferrous surfaces: sand and in case of rust apply one coat of CONVERTITORE ECOLOGICO and one coat of ANTIRUGGINE ECOLOGICO.

On wooden surfaces: sand and apply one coat of ECOFONDO RIEMPITIVO. When dry, sand with abrasive paper.

On galvanized metal sheet, PVC and smooth surfaces: clean and remove grease, where possible sand with fine abrasive paper, then apply one coat of AGGRAPPANTE ECOLOGICO.

On previously painted surfaces: sand with fine abrasive paper and apply one coat of SOTTOSMALTO ECOLOGICO.

Application method
Being a product with a metallic finish its application must be homogeneous. The application by brush is allowed only for really small areas by applying, after a proper preparation of the surface, two coats of ECOSMALTO METALLIZZATO, with an interval between coats of 5-6 hours.

Application by Brush and Sponge Glove: to get a more homogenous application with a slightly cloudy effect without the marks left by the brush, it is advisable to dab the surface with a sponge glove so as to remove any imperfection. Dilute ECOSMALTO METALLIZZATO by 10% of drinkable water and apply it by brush on small areas of the wall (max 50×50 cm), then immediately dab the entire zone with the special SPONGE GLOVE. Wait 5-6 hours until dry and apply a second coat of product in the same way as before.

Application by spray: to get a homogenous and smooth effect, apply ECOSMALTO METALLIZZATO diluted by 20% by spray in two coats.

First coat: spray the product onto the surface from left to right and back again from right to left with the spray gun nozzle set in the horizontal position. Following this spray from top to bottom and back again from bottom to top with the nozzle set in the vertical position and without waiting between the two coats. The crossing over of the two jets determines the evenness of the product application.

Finish and protection

Safety Information
The product is free of heavy metals such as lead or chrome. It does not contain toxic solvents, aromatics or chlorides. There is no risk of any dangerous polymerisation. The product is considered to be a non-dangerous substance if used in the technically correct manner. Normal cautionary measures for the handling of water based paint are advised. No special arrangements are required for the storage, movement and transportation of the product; the containers, residue, eventual spilt material should be cleaned up using absorbent inert material uch as sand, soil etc. and then disposed of in accordance with the regional and national regulations in force at that time. Transportation must be carried out in accordance with international agreements.

Apply an acrylic enamel with metallic finish such as ECOSMALTO METALLIZZATO after having prepared the surface with a proper base coat depending on the surface.