The ESHASTICK P-ar self-adhesive waterproofing membrane is an elastomeric (SBS) bituminous waterproofing membrane (asphalt cloth) of advanced technology. It is produced from SBS-modified bitumen, which gives the membrane excellent elasticity even at very low temperatures (-30oc), and special additives, which give the membrane adhesive properties, and thus the ability to easily bond to the properly shaped substrate without the use of phlogistone. The self-adhesive membrane ESHASTICK P-ar, 1.5 mm thick, has a top coating of non-woven geotextile, which can be painted and has excellent mechanical properties. Combined with the elastic behavior of its asphalt layer, it can and does follow the expansion and contraction  of the structural elements without wearing out.


  • On vertical and horizontal surfaces in underground structures.
  • On roof surfaces either above  or below the thermal insulation.
  • Directly on prefabricated polyurethane or extruded polystyrene sheets.
  • On metal and wooden surfaces.
  • In metal and concrete pipes for their protection and waterproofing when exposed to solar radiation.