ISOMASTIC-A is a single-component elastoplastic sealant without solvents based on acrylic resins, providing:

  • Resistance to temperature fluctuations from -20 oC to +70 oC.
  • Excellent bonding to a wide range of constructing materials.
  • Painting ability after hardening.
  • Frost-resistance.

ISOMASTIC-A is suitable for sealing horizontal or vertical joints, at indoor or outdoor areas, on substrates like concrete, plaster, masonry, wood, stone etc. Also, used for sealing hairline cracks on plaster and joints between wooden or metallic frames and walls, sills etc. It is not affected by frost and it is appropriate for dimensional deformation of up to 8%. It should not be used in regularly walkable joints or joints permanently immersed in water (water-tanks or reservoirs) or on bituminous substrates.

The substrate must be free of dust, loose materials etc. In case of sealing hairline cracks, they should be widened with a cutting tool (e.g. chisel) or a cutting-wheel at a width of at least 3 mm. The joint or widened crack should be cleaned with a paintbrush or a wire brush and then air-blasted. To avoid undersirable soiling at joint edges, a self-adhesive paper-tape is applied alongside the edges and then removed immediately after sealing the joint (before skin formation).

Insert cartridge in the special gun and cut nozzle in a slant way so that as it does not fit into the joint but just touches and slides along the edges. Silicon is applied by driving the cartidge along side the joint axis at a 45o angle. While still fresh, silicone is leveled using a trowel.

  • Temperature during application must be at least +15 oC.
  • During the first few hours of hardening the sealant must be protected from moisture.
  • ISOMASTIC-A is naturally harmless and therefore no special precautions are needed.

Surface: Concrete, cement


Application: Trowel