MARMOCRET-BASE is a pre-mixed, cement-based render that needs only the addition of water. MARMOCRET-BASE offers:

  • High adhesion to the substrate.
  • Excellent workability
  • Simplification and acceleration of the application
  • Ideal for application with a rendering machine.
  • Consistent quality (factory-batched)
  • Excellent vapor permeability of construction.
  • Suitable for indoor and outdoor applications.

Certified according to EN 998-1 and classified as a GP CS II, W0 mortar. CE marked.
MARMOCRET-BASE is used to create the base coat in a rendering system. Suitable for use as the base coat providing the ideal base for MARMOCRET and MARMOCRET-PLUS colored, water-repellent finish coat renders.

Substrate preparation
The substrate must be free of dust, oily or loose materials, etc. and should be thoroughly dampened prior to application of MARMOCRET-BASE.

MARMOCRET-BASE is added to water under continuous stirring, until a mortar of the required workability is formed. The render is applied with a rendering machine or by hand, with a float or trowel. The final coat of render should be applied at least 7 days after application of MARMOCRET-BASE.

  • Tmeperature during application should be at least +5oC.
  • In hot weather, MARMOCRET-BASE should be dampened after application to prevent water loss.
  • MARMOCRET-BASE contains cement that reacts with water, forming alkaline solutions, thus is classified as irritant.
  • Consult the directions for safe use and precautions written on the packaging.

Surface: Concrete, cement


Application: Roller