UNICRET-FAST  is a white, fast-setting mortar, offering:

  • Stable quality.
  • Simplified application (needs only water).
  • Fast work.
  • Very good workability.
  • Very good adhesion to the substrate.

It is certified with the CE marking as a GP CS II W0 mortar, according to EN 998-1 and according to EN 998-2, as a designed general purpose masonry mortar, for external use, in elements subjects to structural requirements. Certificate number: 0906-CPR-02412008.

Substrate preparation
The substrate must be clean, free of dust, oil, loose materials etc. and should be thoroughly dampened, before the application of UNICRET-FAST. On difficult or very smooth substrates, you may apply a spatterdash (rough cast) first, that consists of UNICRET-FAST improved with ADIPLAST latex, diluted in the mixing water at a ratio of ADIPLAST: water = 1:3 by volume.

UNICRET-FAST is added into water under continuous stirring, until the mixture formed obtains the required workability. It is applied like an ordinary render or masonry mortar and it is treated (rubbed) with a sponge-faced float, approx. 45 min after application.

  • Temperature during application should be at least +5 oC.
  • The addition of ADIPLAST, polymer latex into the mixture of UNICRET-FAST causes a slight retardation of setting.
  • In hot weather, UNICRET-FAST should be kept damp after application, to avoid water loss.
  • UNICRET-FAST contains cement that reacts with water, forming alkaline solutions, thus is classified as irritant.
  • Consult the directions for safe use and precautions written on the package.

Surface: Concrete, cement


Application: Roller